About Moel Famau Country Park

On entering North East Wales you are usually greeted with the view of Moel Famau, well known for the prominent Jubilee Tower remains at the summit. It is situated within Moel Famau Country Park, 2000 acres of important upland landscape, and forms part of the Clwydian Range Area of Outstanding natural Beauty (AONB). The landscape of the park has been formed by the combination of the forces of nature and human activity. The need for fuel, building materials and grazing land, slowly cleared the woodlands that would have once covered the area.
The Park has an impressive landscape of colourful heather moorland, changing to greener grassland pastures on its lower slopes. A few windblown rowan trees and hawthorn bushes stand out amongst the gorse and bilberry. The park is also an important habitat for many birds of prey and mammals.


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