Take a look around

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Public footpaths within SSSI land
Public footpaths within SSSI land
2 / 5
Snowdonia Donkeys
Snowdonia Donkeys
3 / 5
Tregarth Community Allotments CIC
Tregarth Community Allotments CIC
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Rare Waxcap Fungi
Rare Waxcap Fungi
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Training Kitchen Supporting Local Farmers
Training Kitchen Supporting Local Farmers

About Ffarm Moelyci

Ffarm Moelyci is a community farm, owned by a consortium. Ymlaen Moelyci is the successful consortium continuing the work done to enhance the farm over the past 20 years since it was an original sheep farm. It encompasses a mixture of freeholders, unusually mixing together charities, trusts, philanthropists with environmental objectives and small business. The farm is open to the public every day to enjoy its beautiful stunning criss crossed public footpath walks and wildlife. You can venture out into one of the few lowland sites of special scientific interest - particularly known for wax cap fungi and its rare grasslands.
Local Produce Shop
Local Produce Shop
The lower farm features many attractions which are easy to get to. Blas Lôn Las, our small shop and cafe are open every day of the week serving home made and locally sourced delights and always feature gluten free, vegan and vegetarian choices, freshly made. Snowdonia Donkeys have their home here, working to achieve greater wellbeing for people alongside the donkeys they care for. You'll also find the largest privately community owned allotment group on the farm, Tregarth Community Allotments with 60+ allotments and a thriving community spirit. Not only that, but we feature a barn and commercial kitchen you can rent out for anything from art classes to starting up your own micro-business.

The farm is a great place to visit and a great rest stop. It's easy to find in the crux of the A5 and A55 and right on the route 82 cycle track, that the shop is named after. A friendly community waits to welcome you onto the farm.


53.188427, -4.10651827

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