This beautiful area of parkland has many very old trees, some of which are estimated to be over 700 years old and which support numerous interesting lichens and insects.
Already a SSSI, Dinefwr was designated as a National Nature Reserve in 2007, and it is the only area of parkland to receive such a designation in Wales.
Dinefwr has something to offer its visitors all year round; from the early spring flowers right through until the fungi appear in autumn there is always something interesting to see and enjoy.
In the various areas of woodland with in the Park there are more than 300 trees that are over 400 years old. Within the parkland all three of the native British woodpeckers live. The Tywi Valley where the park is situated is a well-known area for seeing numerous bird species, especially summer visitors such as Redstarts (Phoenicurus phoenicurus) and Pied Flycatchers (Ficedula hypoleuca).