About Ffwrwm Arts and Crafts Centre

The Ffwrwm is entered through a historic arch fronting Caerleon's main street, and consists of an art gallery, five craft workshops, and a restaurant, all set in the glories of an l8th century walled garden. Within the gallery is a Tourist Information point, where local events and places to visit are posted. All the shoplets in Ffwrwm are listed at below.

The restaurant is well known for its home cooking specializing in local and Welsh recipes. The art gallery has a mixed permanent display of fine art as well as holding regular shows of individual artists. It also has on show a collection of antique furniture and ceramics. Both the restaurant and art gallery are available for use by diverse organisations, either commercial or charitable .

The walled garden contains unusual shrubs and trees, including a very rare tulip tree, and some sculpture both modern and traditional. There are carved Arthurian thrones to the various knights of the round table, depicting tales from the Welsh Mabinogion. They are carved out of whole beech trunks by Ed Harrison, who also created the Tree of life sculpture out of a whole upturned Yew tree root. All over this sculpture can be found animals and spirit creatures. Ed also has various items for sale in the Gallery.
Also to be found, is a metal sculpture of the duelling knights Arthur and Mordred in their final battle.

Amongst the attractions is an extraordinary full sized ancient carved stone bull's head which has become popular to tourists and residents alike. It is reputed to confer remarkable powers of health, wealth, prosperity and potency.

Within the walls of Ffwrwm are the gates to the Roman Legionary fortress. The gates and wall has been partially reconstructed, and between the arches, two huge artist impressions of the city beyond have been exquisitely created, depicting life within the Roman city.

Ffwrwm is open all year long, and is an ideal place to come for all the family, to take in the magic of Arthur or relax and see the art and crafts on offer.


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