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Llanwrtyd Heritage & Arts Centre
Llanwrtyd Heritage & Arts Centre
Llanwrtyd Wells

About Llanwrtyd Heritage & Arts Centre

A visit to Llanwrtyd & District Heritage and Arts Centre takes you on a journey through the history of this small town and its surroundings. Discover the story of "The finest sulphur spring in the kingdom" and the hidden jewels of a mid-Wales town that attracted thousands of holidaymakers for over 150 years.

Interactive exhibits inside the superbly converted and modernised chapel show the history of this part of Wales and the town as a major tourist attraction when it hosted a spa.

You can play back recorded memories of local residents to gain an insight into now-lost daily life. Younger visitors can become detectives as they ‘Follow the Frog’ to complete a quiz.

If you’ve heard of Llanwrtyd Wells it’s probably as home to a whacky sporting contest. So why not come and find out why visitors from all over the world journey here to swim in a murky bog or chase a horse all over the countryside!
Llanwrtyd Heritage & Arts Centre
Llanwrtyd Heritage & Arts Centre
The Heritage Centre is always keen to hear from visitors or those with family from the area who have stories, photos or memorabilia which they would be happy to share with the Centre.

The Centre also hosts an art gallery that showcases the arts and crafts of people based in Wales that embody the essence of Mid-Wales, whose landscapes, environments and peace provide such vital inspiration. The programme of art exhibitions runs throughout the season changing every month, and concerts featuring established artists are also organised throughout the year. As from April 2022 there will be a Heritage Trail around the town and surrounding area allowing visitors to view locations of historical interest in addition to reading about them in the Centre. There is a special Children's Trail to encourage children to learn about the history and provide fun for all the family.

Open Thursday to Sunday 10am to 4pm and Bank Holidays


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