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Penmon Priory, Cross and St Seiriol’s Well
Penmon Priory, Cross and St Seiriol’s Well

About Penmon Priory (Cadw)

Penmon’s history stretches back to the 6th century, when a monastery was established here by St Seiriol. The holy well (with reputed healing properties) that bears his name is thought to be associated with this period, though the ‘cell’ that houses it is a much later construction. The remains of the priory that stand today largely date from the 13th century, when it became part of the Augustinian order.
Inside the church, which still serves the parish today, stands an impressive cross. Dating from the 10th century, its shaft is carved with intricate patterns of frets and plaits.

Also worth a visit is 15th-century Penmon Dovecote, which sits close to the priory.


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