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Dyffryn Ardudwy Burial Chamber
Dyffryn Ardudwy Burial Chamber

About Dyffryn Ardudwy Burial Chamber (Cadw)

Located on a hillside overlooking Cardigan Bay, the pair of tombs at this Neolithic (New Stone Age) burial site were built in two distinct stages. The smaller chamber to the west came first. This dolmen (or cromlech) featured two portal stones and a high blocking slab with a capstone rested on top, and was covered by a small, roughly circular cairn. Several generations later the larger tomb to the east was built and buried beneath a wedge-shaped cairn roughly 100ft/30m in length, which enveloped its neighbour.
Now exposed to the skies, both tombs are extremely well-preserved with capstones still resting securely on their uprights.


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