About Nolton Haven Beach

Located within the sweep of St Brides Bay, Nolton Haven is a small, fairly sheltered cove, facing south-west, the beach is made up of sand and shingle with rock pools and cliffs on either side. The beach is quiet and unspoilt although in the past, like Little Haven, this was an export point for coal and a hive of activity. The flat grassy terrace above the beach was the coal storage yard and a walk along the Pembrokeshire Coast Path in both directions reveals remnants of old coal workings. Beach side facilities are limited although there is a pub and a slipway allowing launching. The beach is popular for watersports as well as swimming and boating. The coast here is designated as the Pembrokeshire Marine Special Area of Conservation in recognition of its valuable marine life.
Seaside Award beach. Toilets, parking, pub and restaurant in the village. Dogs are allowed.


51.8241348, -5.10881424

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