About Plas Pencelli Outdoor Education Centre

Plas Pencelli specializes in providing residential, outdoor education courses for young people from 8 years up to adulthood.

The Centre provides programmes of Outdoor Education that make a unique and powerful contribution to each individual’s broad education and development. Using a variety of instructional methods adapted to a range of individual learning styles within a challenging environment each course also focuses on many specific learning objectives within the National Curriculum. In particular the disciplines of Citizenship, Physical Education and Personal, Social and Health Education are particularly well visited. Achievement is centred on 4 main areas: personal development; relationships; social skills and appreciation of the natural environment. Throughout each course a high priority is placed on Health and Safety.
As well as working with schools, the centre is also regularly involved in the training of youth groups, teachers, management groups, members of the public on recreational courses and those seeking to specialize and gain National Governing Body Awards.
Outdoor Education Courses for Schools


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