About North Wales Active

Our activities range from team initiatives on a grassed area to multi day mountain walks. We can create a progamme that is perfect for you and the team. Some of the activities that can be included are coasteering, gorge walking, climbing and abseiling, treasure hunt, team initiatives and a B.B.Q. is often a good way to finish the day.

**Why Adventure Activities ????**

Outdoor activities are proven to stimulate the brain and also develop, through team activities: leadership, courage and team bonding.

All our activities are based around North Wales, using the best locations possible. We will use remote areas and also more public areas, as appropriate for the activity.


We can arrange any type of accommodation, but we usually use a local bunkhouse with a fantastic welcome and an even better BBQ. Breakfast and lunch packs can also be arranged at some accommodations.

We don't do 'death by power point'. We will help to provide you with a valuable experience, to build a team that will last.


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